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lördag 27 mars 2010

Cermony for Kris

Today we had the cermoney for metal.
It is called TUMPAK LANDEK

Everywhere you see the cars and motorbikes beautiful decorated with offerings.
The priests are busy to sprinkel holy water to protect the drivers from any accidents.

According to Bruce is
the true reason behind TAMPAK LANDEK not to have a cermony for metal, but the kris.

Kris looks kind of like a knife.

For a balines the kris is holy and you usually see the men with a kris during the cermonies.

The kris enchance the caracter of the owner, stop black magic & has mystical power and represent the interaction between micro and macro cosmo.

It is said that some of the most powerful krises were given from the gods to the humans through meditation.

Most krises are though made by men from a special cast.
It is said that these men fast up to three days before making a kris.

When you start building the tempel it is very important that you have a kris as the first "cope " has to be with a kris.

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